Russian companies will provide 90% of investments in exploration – strategy '50
In the future, subsoil users should provide more than 90% of all investments in geological exploration in Russia against about 10% of budget investments, follows from the goals of the Strategy for the Development of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation until 2050, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation.
"As an indicator characterizing the increase in the investment attractiveness of the geological exploration of the subsurface and the reproduction of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation, the ratio of investments of extra-budgetary funds for geological exploration to the volume of budget financing is set as 1 to 10," the document says. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation clarified to RIA Novosti that this ratio is in favor of extra-budgetary investments.
In the process of implementing the strategy, it is assumed that geological exploration works of all stages and stages will be carried out at the expense of subsurface users. The main contribution (50%) to solid minerals will be made by large backbone companies, 25% will fall on junior geological exploration companies. In terms of hydrocarbons, vertically integrated companies will invest more than 75% of total financing in exploration.
The strategy will be implemented in three stages. Upon completion of the first of them (by 2030), a set of measures should be implemented to provide the country with scarce types of strategic mineral raw materials through prospecting, exploration and development of deposits on the territory of the Russian Federation and, if necessary, friendly states. By this time, it is planned to create the necessary conditions for an increase in the share of processing of extracted minerals, including ensuring the production of final industrial products from scarce types of minerals.
At the second stage (until 2040), it is envisaged "widespread introduction into the practice of forecasting, prospecting and exploration of deposits of methods of analysis and interpretation of big data, artificial intelligence, increasing the reliability of methods of geological exploration of the subsurface, increasing the efficiency of processing minerals, reducing losses and increasing integrated use (primarily associated components)."
At the last stage (until 2050), the concept of prompt provision of any minerals and final high-tech products needed by the economy will be developed. It is planned to ensure deep processing of extracted raw materials in the territory of the Russian Federation for a wide range of goods, as well as to increase the volume of geological exploration for raw materials where an increase in the deficit is predicted. In addition, the Russian Federation should come to a systematic increase in the physical volumes of geological exploration necessary to compensate for the depletion of highly efficient mineral reserves.